Friday, November 19, 2010

Goin' back to Cali?

Look what I found blooming in my garden this morning...California Poppies! I thought the recent frosts killed all my annuals except those hardy Rocket Snapdragons. I was wrong. I spied these organge buds while shoveling dog food into bowls for my beasts' breakfast. I must be back living in California if new poppies arrive on November 19th. I might just head off to the beach.

Monday, November 15, 2010

World Record Radish

OK, so it is not the largest radish ever, but it's a biggy! That's a dog-chewed tennis ball in front for size reference.

People claim to grow 100 lb radishes. See here:
Our ugly root is surely not the weight of a small person, but I've never come across a bigger radish. My brother Pete planted the seeds last year, excited about growing a German radish touted to pair well with beer. Who doesn't want a vegetable you are encouraged to drink beer with? They self-sowed all over the garden this year and we had an abundance of them. Unfortunately they taste like crap, even with beer, and no one wants to eat them.